Tailored missions at each level of the decision-making process.
Lichen Health aims to link different actors from different culture and approaches.
The linkage will help develop disruptive innovations responding to current major issues while being more inclusive.
Putting patients and healthcare professionals at the heart of the process.
Lichen Health helps you figure out the insights and the needs of the various players in the complex health ecosystem.
Lichen Health brings a fresh perspective, challenges the business plan, analyses the risks and opportunities to maximize the impact of the project while remaining aligned with the initial ambition of the CEO.
Lichen Health relies on its network of KOLs, hospital and academic experts, decision-makers and investors to develop your partnerships (licensing agreements, research collaborations, co-development, business agreements…).
Lichen Health offers a comprehensive technico-medical evaluation of the project.
Lichen Health provides a day-to-day operational support to the CEO of start-up to develop its innovation project.
For a sustainable development goal, Lichen Health can support you in a social entrepreneurial approach and help you define your mission that will guide your actions. For entrepreneurs who do this, it is a source of motivation and personal development.
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